Canada boasts the largest area of certified sustainable forests in the world. At present, there are three systems in Canada under which forest certification can be obtained, including CSA (Canadian Standards Association) and SFI (Sustainable Forestry Initiative). In total, Canada has over one hundred million hectares of certified sustainable forests. This figure tells us that, in addition to the pioneering sustainable production system established by the government, forestry companies in the private sector are actively striving for forest maintenance. Having the largest area of certified forests means that Canada is capable of supplying the largest number of certified sustainable forest products in the world. Today, illegal deforestation and the illicit trade of lumber are coming under increasingly heavy criticism. You can rest assured that lumber produced in Canada is a sustainable, reliable product that can be sourced and used indefinitely.
Tenryu Canada Corporation's 40 year track record of reliability and customer confidence means that we can do a lot of things.
Over and above providing a stable supply, we cannot only quickly pinpoint in which of our forests the timber that meets the needs of our customer can be sourced, but also we can tell immediately which sawmill technician is best suited to mill the product to the specifications of that client.